Monday, March 8, 2010

Training in the first week of March

It's been a crazy week so I haven't had much time to post here... Let's see what I can remember from last week -

I know I only swam once last week at the pool and I didn't get to the gym until late so I didn't complete the work out.  That was a bummer...

I think I went running with a co-worker on day after work around the quarry.  We ran for less than 1/2 hour and I got a miserable side cramp half way into it.  I think that I got the cramp because I either had not eaten enough or drank enough.  That seems to be a lesson I keep learning the hard way :(

Thursday was our regular track workout at DVC.  Alex for sure has shin splints :( so no running for him anymore until the triathlon.  He will have to resort to pool running to keep up his fitness and muscle memory.

Saturday was a long workout that started at 730 in Novato.  We got in the pool around 8 and swam until at least 1015, maybe 1030.  We did a lot of 50's, some drills (invovling shoulder roll...), and then we lined up in two rows and started splashing and making waves as two people swam down the line.  It was a lot of fun, but I'm pretty sure it didn't have the effect the coaches wanted.

After the swim we hopped on our bikes for a 40 mile or 2.5 hour bike ride, whatever came first.  I'm pretty sure no one made it the whole 40 miles because there was so much hill climbing... Al and I only made it 27 miles or so and were were pretty close to the front of the pack, there were only maybe 8 people ahead of us.  I have learned that my only strength in biking is hill climbing... I can't put a whole lot of power out on the flats and I don't weigh enough to really gain momentum on the down hills but I can kick ass at climbing hills.  I caught up to IronJoe (a coach) and alot of the faster riders while on Watson Hill which surprised everybody, even me...

Sunday was scheduled to be an open water swim and run.  I thought the swim would be 45 - 60 min and then a 10 min run, but now when I look at the calendar, I was supposed to be 30 min of swimming and 60 min of running... Oh well, next time I guess.  Not like Al and had the time to do the run anyways because we had to hurry back from SF to met our realtor in Castro Valley.  We looked at 8 houses on Sunday!!!  Thats a lot and we were so tired at the end of it. 

On Sunday morning Al was trying every excuse he could think of to not do the open water swim in the bay but none of them worked on me.  I was really looking forward to doing the swim, don't ask me why because I have no idea... But it all worked out in the end and Al had a good, productive swim and that's what mattered.

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