Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Swam into ANOTHER bouy this weekend...

The Wildflower tri's were this last weekend and I'm sure glad I wasn't there :) Camping in the rain would be no fun and I'm not yet back to full strength running.

Thursday I was supposed to swim but couldn't because I had to go pick up my Jetta.

Friday I got lucky and I didn't have to come in to work until 1 in the afternoon so I got up in the morning and took my bike over to my parents house and biked around the Tassajara/Highland road area for 110 min and it sprinkled on me the whole time. Once I got back from my ride and put the bike back in the Jetta, I set out for my run. I got the schedule confused and I thought that I was supposed to run for 50 min, but it was only actually a 15 min run. O well, a little extra won't kill me. I ran/walked for the 50 min - 3 min run and 2 min walk and it worked out pretty well until the end. Why o why do my parents have to live on the top of a hill??!!

Saturday I also had to work (ugh!!) but I told them I would be in a little later, like 11 so I could do my swim from Thursday first. It was supposed to be a 3000 yd swim, but after an hour (~2000 yd I think... ) I got bored and got out of the pool. It's not terribly exciting to swim lap after endless lap but I didn't get a headache so I can rule out the goggles causing the problem :)

Sunday was an open water swim, but it was an on-your-own kind of thing. Knowing that the only way I would actually make it is if someone else was counting on me to be there, so I emailed all the non-Wildflower athletes and tried to arrange something. We decided on Shadow Cliffs in Pleasanton at 9 am, but by Sunday morning our already dismal group of 3 had shrunk to just 2, but 2 is better than 1 so Christine and I went swimming.

Shawdow Cliffs is an old gravel quarry in Pleasnaton by Livermore. In the summer they have 3 water slides open and there is a large puddle of water that you can swim/boat/fish in. The swimming area is roped off by bouys and is not very deep. As Christine and I waded into the scummy water we saw another set of swimmers and they said that the distance of the swimming lane is ~150m so we figured we would just swim it 10 times and be good to go. As always, I had a bit of trouble getting used to breathing in the open water, but it wasn't so bad. For the first couple of laps, I had to breathe every stroke but as I got more relaxed, I was able to breathe on alternate sides which I think is more efficient. Of course I would forget to practice my sighting and so I was swimming all crooked in the water, zig zagging all over the lane. I didn't really think it was such a problem until I hit my head on a bouy. SO INCREDIBLY GROSS!!!! So that's when I decided that if I'm not going to sight, I have to breathe on alternate sides so I can keep both lane markers in view. Since it was still early and there was hardly anyone in or on the water to disturb the sediment on the bottom, I could see all the gross stuff on the bottom of the lake and it totally creeped me out.

I didn't get a headache sunday either so I guess that means they can't be caused by my swim cap/goggle combo. Maybe its the pool water at the Plunge :(

Monday was a rest day which was good considering that I worked from 6 - 6 on stupid Niacin. By the time I got home I was pretty beat. I should have gone for a short run or something to keep strengthing my running but I didn't. I didn't even have the energy to go to the super market and get toothpaste or shampoo or any of the things that we have been out of for at least a week now :(

Today I'm supposed to swim. It looks easy, the main workout is a bunch of speed drills and some 400's at race pace (my race pace is not very fast, lol) but I can feel a headache lurking just over the horizon. I hope I can hold it off until later tonight...


Make a donation today to help cure blood cancers and help me meet my fundraising goal at http://pages.teamintraining.org/sf/honotri09/jlesko

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