Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Awful swim today

I don't know what it is, but if I miss a week of swimming, I am just terrible when I get back into the pool.  Case in point, this morning.  It's even supposed to be a recovery week and the swim was easy - just 800m of drills and then 1000-1300m long swim and cool out.  Should have only taken me 45 min, tops.  But when I got to the pool, I got ahead of myself and figured I would do last weeks only swim workout - a whopping 4000m!!  1000m of drills, then the triangle - 100m, 200m, 300m, 400m, 500m, 500m, 400m, 300m, 200m (all at around a level 5!!!!!) and then the 100m cool down.  Ok... I so did not make it.  My guess would be that it would take me at least 1.5 - 2 hours and thats only if I don't dawdle...

Either way, I started to drill and realized this workout was going nowhere fast.  I had no energy and no real desire to do anything... I might have done maybe 400m of drills (but I doubt it) and then I figured I would try to do the actual workout for today since I clearly did not have the time or energy to do last weeks workout.  But I only made it 500m before I had a splitting headache and I gave up... I was in too much pain and I was too tired to go on.  I felt like it was a complete waste of time, and that sucked because I got up early and everything :(

Tomorrow is another day and I think I will try again to swim in the morning.  I need to do something to redeem myself... and then I think I might bike/spin in the evening.  I really need to work on building up my bike strength.

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