Friday, February 19, 2010

Track workout at DVC

Last night was the usual track workout at DVC, but not like usual Wayne was not there.  That was kind of a bummer, especially since his replacement seemed to be in a very very bad mood :(

We spent a long time in the beginning doing strength and conditioning stuffs such as plank, side plank, push ups, crunches, one leg squats, balancing on one leg, one leg hops... I'm sure there were others but I forget at the moment.  We did all that, and then we repeated it 3 times which is why it took forever.

Well I thought it took forever because I was really looking forward to the running.  It was supposed to be a tempo run - 10 min easy, level 3-4 then 20 min hard @ level 7-8 and then finish with another 10 min easy @ level 3-4.  Too bad we only ran for a total of 25 min before Coach told us to wrap it up so we could do stair steps for the last 10 or so min.  Boo... but I guess it was good because my heart rate was def. in the anaerobic zone and I'm not sure how much more I could have sustained.

The calendar says today is a rest day, but I think that I have done enough resting this week.  I wish I had time to swim or something, but I really don't forsee that happening :(

Tomorrow is a bike/run brick in Half Moon Bay.  I really hope someone pitches in last minute and covers my aid stop duties, I really want to do the workout instead of just sitting there!!

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