Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Valentine's weekend adventures

So much for biking this weekend, I spent it either running or hiking up hill...

Alex and I hit the gym mid-morning to get our busy day started.  Alex went to swim because he missed it on Friday and I decided to do Sunday's workout, which was run for 60 min.  I don't think I have ever run for 60 solid minutes without walking, but I was determined to make it.  It was such a nice day out so instead of pounding it out for an hour on the treadmill, I took it to the Iron Horse trail.  I ran all the way from the 24hr Fitness in San Ramon, along the Iron Horse trail, all the way out to Sycamore Valley road and back.  It took me 34 min to get to Sycamore Valley road, and as I was running along the trail, I found that I was sustaining a sub-10 min/mile pace.  Whoo hoo!!  Now I only wish I had the Garmin 310XT so I could really know how far I went, but based on my mile times, I guessing I ran a total of 6.5 - 7 miles that morning.  Maybe I can justify getting it, since I have and Ironman coming up and all... By the time I got back, my watch read 1hr 9min, which I thought was kinda odd since the distance did not get any shorter coming back, I thought I was running slower because I was trying to keep my heart rate from spiking, AND I got stuck at the light on Crow Canyon road coming back (I got lucky and made it going out) so I don't really know how that happened other than I really wasn't running slower even though I was trying to (which definately explains why I couldn't get my heart rate to drop...)

Alex and I each ate our body weight at an awesome Valentine's Day brunch.  There was soo much food of every kind.  We justified our gluttony by saying we had to fuel up for our first back packing trip (together).  After brunch we went to Point Reyes to start our trip.  We hiked out to Glen Camp and it must have taken us 2-3 hours.  We got there right as the sun was starting to set, but we didn't get to see any kind of sunset because we were in a little valley on to of a mountain.  It felt like the entire hike was all up hill, and it probably was, save for one small part in the beginning.

When I woke up I wasn't sure exactly how I was going to manage to hike since I was pretty sore from running on Saturday and all the up hill yesterday, but I motivated myself by saying "it can't go up hill forever"... FAMOUS LAST WORDS.  Because it did go up hill forever... We were trying to get to the coast to see Alamere Falls, but by the time we hiked all the way down into Wildcat, we realized the only way out was back UP the super massive hill we just came down, and the waterfall would add at least another 2 miles to our already long 8-10 miler that day, and we were running low on food and fuel, so we cut our losses and headed home.  I don't even know how it happened, but I swear we spent at least 75% of the entire trip going up hill.  It was awful and by the time we got back to the car, we were pretty pathetic looking and really really sore :(

I don't care what the training calendar says, TODAY IS A REST DAY!!!!! I'm so sore I'm barely even able to limp around the office :(.  Next time I back pack, less miles and less hills for sure

The calendar says to swim and I think thats all my body can handle right now... My left calf is still very tender to the touch and my legs are still very tight.  Running wouldn't really happen, but at least I can walk normally today.  Biking is a maybe, but I don't think I'll be able to warm up into it, so in the water I go after work.  Hopefully the pool isn't too crowded.

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