Thursday, February 19, 2009

1500+ yards of swimming tonight

I went to the pool after work and I got lucky because my fiance :) joined me which I always love. Like I mentioned in a previous post, part of my work out tonight included a 400 yard swim. I tried my hardest, but I had to split it into 2 200's. Maybe next time. I just learned how to do a flip turn (or are they called kick turns? I don't know...) and I can do them really well the first few times, but I find there is an inverse relationship between the quality of the flip turns and the number of laps I've swam. The more laps I do, the more I misjudge the distance to the wall and I either flip too early and have nothing to push off of, or I manage to get water up my nose and come up coughing and choking on pool water. At least at the race I won't have to do any laps or turns. And I swam my race distance tonight, which is good. Now I just have to build up to doing it all without breaks!!

Tomorrow is a biking day. Since I'm going to Tahoe this weekend, I plan on hitting up the stationary bike at the gym in the AM. Let's hope I have better luck getting out of bed tomorrow morning than I did today :)

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