Thursday, February 12, 2009

Running at DVC

Last night was another coached run out in Pleasant Hill and it was just not my day :( I ate what I thought would be a light lunch of pho but it just sat in my tummy like a lead brick all day. I got home from work and changed into my running clothes and made myself a peanut butter bagel thinking it would give me the energy I needed to go run. I barely took 2 bites of the bagel as I was driving out to DVC, I just wasn't hungry (which is unusual for me, I'm always hungry).

As we stood around coach Paul listening to him tell us the workout I was wondering how I'd be able to run. In addition to feeling overly full all day, my quads had been 'hurting', not the whole muscle, just one very specific point, especially on the left. Luckily, the work out was mostly core strengthing exercises with light jogging in between each set.

I started off for my warm up jog and the pain in my quads was there but it eventually faded away, which is good. What was not good was that all the strengthing exercises had to be done on the ground. The WET (and very cold!!) ground. Bleh!

After each exercise set we had to run a lap and each lap for me was killer, not because of my quads this time, but becuase my tummy would tie up in huge knots as soon as I took my first running step :( And my right shin was hurting, like it occassionally does. I never knew why it hurts when I run until last night when I remembered that I have staples in that area (from my ACL repair...) It was a total lightbulb moment for me. Now I just have to figure out how to make it not hurt when I run...

Basically, I was just one big ball of hurt last time. Coach Paul says that we need to re-fuel our bodies after each work out within 45 min with proteins and carbs so I thought that sushi would fit the bill. I was hurting all the way home and I got to Safeway to pick up a pack of salmon nigiri and California roll thinking that it would make me feel better. I got home and ate the 4 pcs. of nigiri and called it quits. I just wasn't hungry (still!)

I guess I'm still not fully recovered from this weekend, which sucks. I'm going to take it easy today and just eat plain food to see if I can avoid any more stomach cramps. It's a swim day but I don't know if I'll make it out tonight. We shall see.

Make a donation today to help cure blood cancers and help me meet my fundraising goal at


  1. not sure if I'm logged onto your Blog but will try anyway. I really admire your style and hope that you make it through to the finish line. With work, horses, snowboarding and everything else you guys do I'm just amazed.
    Just goes to show being young is the place to be.
    Are you training with any professionals or are they mostly at your level?

    Keep it up.


  2. Hi, Jan;

    I've enjoyed your blog. Congratulations! I'm proud of you.

    Keep up the good work and whenever you need a lift, or some encouragement, call me.

    Love, Linda
