Thursday, February 5, 2009

Swimming tonight

Tonight was my second swim practice. I went after work, which I have decided is not the best idea... There are swim lessons and aqua aerobics going on simultaneously so there are fewer lanes and more people. Not fun. At least at 6 or 7 am there are hardly any other people...

The first time I tried swimming, I could hardly do a lap of free style. I had no stamina and I couldn't figure out the breathing thing. I was OK at breathing on my left side, but when I tried to breathe on my right side, I ended up getting more water in my mouth than air :(

But it was better this time!! I could breathe on both sides without drinking half the pool and I could swim more laps without resting (I could do 4 laps at a time, twice as many as last time!!) So I'm on the right track.

Things I need to work on:
-Building my endurance. I could swim 4 laps at a time tonight, but its still not near the 10 min of continuous swim that is prescribed in the workout.
-Remembering to kick as I stroke.
-Not having my goggles fill up with water each lap. VERY annoying...

I'll work on these next time, which happens to be on Saturday morning.

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