Friday, February 27, 2009

Recovery Week swimming again

Recovery week is winding down and yesterday was the easiest swim ever. It was 1300 yards, but it was almost all one lap exercises and body position drills which made it seem so easy. I almost wanted to move up to the Olympic distance advanced level just so I would feel like I got something accomplished, but this isn't the week to be pushing myself. On Tuesday I had a really bad headache as soon as I got in the pool and I'm thinking it was because I was dehydrated. So yeasterday I was really aware of how much water I was drinking and I wanted to be sure to be hydrated and it worked! I didn't have a headache and that made my swim really pleasant.

Recommitment is right around the corner and I'm going to do it! I am going to commit to being on the line financially and raise this $5,000!!! That means that if I can't raise the money through donations, I pay the remainder out of my own pocket. If you have not donated to this great cause, please do so!!

Today is another bike night and I'm hoping it won't be as boring as last time. Maybe I'll bring some music or a magazine to distract myself...

Make a donation today to help cure blood cancers and help me meet my fundraising goal at

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