Monday, February 9, 2009

Running, swimming, more running, snowboarding??

Oy, I've been a bit behind in updating this. Turns out I can't do it from the iPhone :(

Friday - a run on my own kind of day. I wanted to run at lunch at work, but it was raining and I don't much care for being out in the rain. By the time I got home from work I was tired and lethargic and I didn't want to go to the gym. But then I thought about all the people with blood cancer that I'm tri-ing for and how they don't have a choice about having cancer so I finally got my butt to the gym and struggled through my work-out

Saturday - My first long coached workout. I got to the HS in Moraga and listened to a nutrition and swim form clinic for about an hour or so and then got changed into my suit and hopped in the pool. We had to swim for almost an hour!! We warmed up with several types of body position drills (kicking only, no hands :( ) and then had a 10 min continuous swim where we had to count the number of laps completed as a kind of bench marker. I could only do 14 which really isn't that great. I have a long stroke, so I keep passing people in my lane, but I could only do a few laps before I had to rest and then get passed by the people I had just passed... And then after the 10 min continuous swim, as if we weren't tired already, we had to do 100 yd. sets with 20 seconds of rest in between. At that point, I was too tired and I could only do 50 yd. at a time so I still need to build my endurance if I'm going to swim 1500 m!! After the swim, we toweled off and got chenged into our run/bike gear. If I had my bike fixed, I would have had to do a 1hr bike ride, but since I have two flat tires, I had to run instead for 25 min.

Sunday - It was going to be a Captian's Run (where a team captain takes us out and we run a set course) but I was planning on snowboarding and that would subsitute as my running work out, but I was horribly sick all Saturday night out of nowhere, and I couldn't hardly get up Sunday morning. It was either food poisoning or one of those weird 24 hr flu viruses :( Either way, I couldn't eat or get off the couch all day so I obviously couldn't work out.

Today is supposed to be my day off, but if I'm feeling up to it, I will do my running work out from Sunday today and call yesterday my day off. My stomach still kinda hurts, so I will have to see if I can muster up enough strengh to go run.

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