Friday, March 13, 2009

Biking, running and swimming

Thursday was a 50 min bike ride followed by a 10 min run. I was going to go to the gym after work and do the stationary bike while reading my wedding book and then run on the treadmill for 10 min. I got to the gym and I even got one of the prized parking spots right in the very front and thats when I realized that I DIDN'T HAVE MY STUPID GYM CARD!!!! Grrr. So I had to go all the way home but instead of scavanging for my gym card, I hopped on my bike and rode around Cull Canyon. It was nice, mostly uphill all the way out which made it hell going out but real nice coming back :) As soon as I got home I put the bike away and went out for a run and that's when I think it became official that I have a shin split in my left leg. It's on the inside, lower part of my left shin and it was hurting alot on the run, and it still kinda bothers me but I'm icing it and taking some pain killers. We shall see how this plays out.

Today is Friday and I GOT MY WETSUIT!!! Yay, except that it was really difficult to put on because it is very snug. We did some 50's in the wet suits just to get used to them and then we had to take it off before we over-heated to finish the swim workout. The coolest thing about the wet suit is that I totally float in the water so swimming is no effort at all. I get to use it in open water on Sunday at Lake Del Valle in Livermore and hopefully not freeze my tukus off. The only not cool thing about the wet suit? I don't get to use it at the Triathlon in Honolulu because the water will be too warm. O well, you win some, you lose some.

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