Monday, March 9, 2009

Full weekend of training

Saturday - It was a biking day and I was really looking forward to finally being able to ride with the team. I got up early and packed up all my gear and right as I was about to get on 24 from 13, I realized that I didn't bring my helmet! I was so angry!! I had to go all the way home and get my helmet, but by then it was too late and I would have missed the group ride so I went down to the Dublin/Pleasanton BART station and rode on the Iron Horse trail. By myself. In the freezing cold. It was so very cold. Next time I'm going to ride with my snowboarding thermal shirt and some gloves, preferably my snow gloves, LOL. I made it all the way to Bollinger Canyon Rd before I turned around to go home. According to the Iron Horse trail map, that's about 14 miles round trip and it took me approximately an hour.

Sunday - It was a coached training with a swim video analysis and then a run. I got in the pool at 10 and we were supposed to be filmed, watch the film with the coach and get tips on how to improve and then get back in the pool and practice some more. While I was waiting for my turn to swim for the camera, I was doing laps and getting tips from the coaches and captains which was improving my form. I was in the pool swimming for an hour at least before it was my turn to be filmed. The main work out was 20 sets of 50 yards, but I kept losing track of how many I had done because everyone was talking to me. Oh well, I'm sure I did at least 20 sets.

After we got out of the pool and saw our video, we went for a 45 min run. It was really nice because the sun was out and I had my mentor Melissa to run with and that made all the difference in the world. When I run on my own I'm always checking my watch to see if it's time to walk yet, but with some one else there, I didn't feel the need to check my watch ever. We ran, and when we thought about it, we checked the time and if it was time to walk, we walked and if not, we just kept running and it was great! I can't wait for Wednesday now because it's supposed to be a run on your own day and I think that Melissa and I will run together again. Yay.

I'm really glad today is a rest day because my body is very tired. The time change cut into my sleeping time so I feel like my body has not fully recovered yet.

I get my wetsuit on Friday! I've only put on a wetsuit once and I remember it being very difficult so I'm sure that will be tons of fun. Stay tuned!

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