Friday, April 3, 2009

Make each challenge your own triumph

I was in such a hurry to post yesterday, I forgot to write some things that I wanted to. Mostly, when I was running on Wednesday, I kicked myself in the ankel really hard and now I have a bruise. It hurts alot still and when I was swimming yesterday, even the water going past it when I was kicking made it hurt :(

Also, my shin was hurting as I ran but it was really hurting the next morning which I think is bad... I have been icing it on and off during the day yesterday and today and it's starting to feel better, but I think that I need to cut running out for a while. Maybe make it up with walking or running in the pool or doing the eliptical, I don't know...

Yesterday was a swimming day. The warm up was a 300 and some drills. The main workout was 2 x 150 LVL 2, 200 (100 LVL 8, 100 form), 2 x 150 LVL5, 200 (100 LVL5, 100 form) 2 x 150 LVL8 and then a cool down. I must be getting better at pacing myself and judging my exertion levels because I remember the last time I did this kind of workout it was much harder and I got tired a lot easier.

Today is supposed to be a 50 min bike followed by a 15 min run but I think that I will have to find a subsitute for the run, either bike 65 min total or do the eliptical instead, we shall see...

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