Monday, April 27, 2009

Results and trainings


X-rays: There might be something on my shin, go get an MRI and see a poditrist
MRI: There is nothing wrong with my shin (hooray!!)
Poditrist: I probably had/have shin splints. Wear inserts in my running shoes, go back to running (start slowly!!!) and if the shin splints come back, go back to and get custom made inserts


Thursday was a bummer of a day because of the terrible headache that I got during swimming. I thought that I would make up for it on Friday by biking or something, but I never did.

Saturday was supposed to be an hour bike with 15 min of running afterwards, but I went to the pool instead, hoping for a better result than what I got on Thursday. I ate a bowl of oatmeal so I would be fueled and drank a glass of water so I would be hydrated and got in the pool to start my workout. Swam a 100, felt fine. Swam a 200, felt fine. Swam a 300, had to get out of the pool :(. My stupid headache came back and I have no idea why. It hurt so bad and nothing I did made it feel better. I took some ibuprofen and went home and slept for a bit.

Sunday was a glorious day!! We went out to Mt. Tam for some mountain biking fun. On Saturday, Al and I went to REI (to drool over their bike selection... ) and got a bay area mountain bike trails book and we selected a moderate, 7-ish mile trail that was supposed to take us 1-1.75 hours. When we got to Mt. Tam park, we couldn't find the trail head (some kind biker pointed it out to us) and then the directions in the book weren't so good so we got lost quite a bit but it didn't matter because we were having a great time biking around. I love love loved(!!) the hill climbing parts (is that weird??) so I didn't notice that we missed the turn for the next part of the trail until we got to the top of the trail we were on and asked other mountain bikers where the trail head was and they told us it was a mile (!) back down the hill. Oops, poor Al and Nick, they were suffering unnecessarily up the wrong trail. The views were amazing and there were wild flowers everywhere and it was just so much fun!! They only part I didn't enjoy was the going down hill part. There was loose dirt and gravel everywhere which was causing my tires to slip all over the place to I finally gave in to weenie-dom and walked my bike down the steepest parts (I don't want to fall!!!)

All in all, our moderate 1-1.75 hour mountain bike ride lasted upwards of 3 hours and we exerted ourselves much more than a 5 out of 10 (I know the boys sure did!!) But I don't care, it was soooo great!!! I can't wait to finish this tri so I can modify my bike with some front suspension so I can take it out on trails and not have to borrow Nick's old bike.

It's a good thing today is a rest day because I'm a little sore from all that hill climbing yesterday :)

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