Sunday, April 5, 2009

Swimming in the bay

On Friday, I went to the gym and biked for 50 min and then did the elliptical for 15 and called it a day. It was easy and I felt good afterwards.

On Saturday, I got up at 630 to go swim in San Francisco bay. As I was driving along The Embarcadero on my way to aquatic park, I passed the Farmer's Market at the Ferry Building and it was HUGE!!! There was stall after stall after stall of vendors. I really wish I could go to more Farmer's Markets. Maybe after this triathlon when I'm not training every Saturday morning, I could go to the SF Farmer's Market.

When I woke up in the morning, I was really nervous about the swim, nervous like the way I get on the day of cross country for eventing. I didn't want to eat anything so it was all I could do to choke down some oatmeal and try to keep it down. I was nervous that the water was going to be cold and that I would suck at swimming like I did at Lake del Valle but it turns out I didn't have to be so nervous. The swim this time was a lot better than last time even though the water was just as cold.

At aquatic park we suited up in our wetsuits and got in the water. Everybody was whooping an' hollering as soon as the water trickled into the wetsuits from the zippers because it was really brisk!! Before I started swimming, I spent several minutes putting my face in the water and exhaling and I think that made all the difference in my swim. We swam for 40-45 min and I made 2 laps around the bouys, which I think is ~2/3 a mile.

Things I learned swimming in San Francisco bay:
  • Keep your mouth shut. Sea water tastes bad. REALLY BAD
  • Sighting is important. Every 3 to 5 strokes, pick up your head and look around. I swam right into a bouy, AND IT WAS DISGUSTING!!! All slimy and sea weed-y and just gross.

After the swim, there was supposed to be a 50 min run, but I'm taking a week off running (at least) for my shin so I went to the gym and did the elliptical instead. My shin has been hurting ever since the marker set, and it's even hurting when I walk or go up/down the stairs so I'm a wee bit concerned. If it doesn't get better soon, I think I might go see the doc.

Today I was supposed to bike for 2 hours and then run for 15 min but I went to Tahoe to clean out our cabin and I never made it to a bike or the gym so maybe tomorrow I'll bike/run (elliptical) instead of resting...


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