Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mostly swimming in this week so far

This week is recovery week which is nice, but at the same time I don't feel like now is the time to be resting, the triathlon is in ~3 weeks!!!!

Tuesday I almost had to work late again. I was in such a bad mood until my boss told me I didn't have to stay to compress and that I could come in early to coat instead (joy...) Luckily I got a call from my boss that evening saying not to come in early because they couldn't finish the compression.

Since it's recovery week, the swim was easy on Tuesday, just some drills and short distances (100-200 yards) Since I don't have to push myself, I was able to work on my form and stroke efficiency and also doing multiple laps with flip-turns. When I was swimming at Lake Del Valle last weekend I had to keep stopping to rest and I think that it is because when I swim laps in the pool, I swim to the end of the lap, stop, turn around and then keep swimming and that brief little rest that I give myself is enough to sabotage my long distance swimming. So what I was trying to do on Tuesday was do as many laps as I was supposed to, but do flip turns at the end of the laps and build my endurance that way and it was working really well for me.

Wednesday was a mentor run, but I'm still not running until I get my MRI (which is tomorrow morning at 8). I was feeling really lazy and I didn't want to do anything but watch TV but Alex guilted me into going to the gym so I went and did the elliptical for 30 min. Boring...

Today was another swim, and I was feeling very tired all day (I knew I should have gone to Starbucks after my meeting) so I didn't really want to swim. When I got to the pool, there was a 30 min wait (stupid spring time, making everybody and their cousin want to go to the pool...) but a lane finally opened up and I got in the pool. Today's swim sounds easy in theory, a 100 and some drills to warm up and then a 200, a 300, a 400 and finally a 500. Since I thought I was swimming well on Tuesday, I figured I would do the same thing again but try to swim a little faster (I was going really slow on Tuesday). I got through the warm up and the 200 but when I only had 60 yards to go on the 300 I had to stop because I all of a sudden got THE WORST headache. It was so bad I had to get out of the pool and call it a day, not cool. I don't know what brought it on, I was hydrated but not really well fueled up but I don't think lack of fuel would cause a headache. Maybe it's because my muscles were using all the oxygen in my blood and so there was none left for my brain (I don't know, I'm just making this up as I go...). Whatever, I'm agnry that I had to quit with just only 1/2 my work out done. I would go back to the pool tomorrow morning before work, but I have my MRI at 8 in Fremont so I don't have anytime.

There is no work out scheduled for tomorrow but I will probably go bike or something just to keep my body in the rhythm of things and to make up for not finishing my swim work out today.

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