Thursday, April 2, 2009

3rd marker set

But first - Tuesday was a swim day. It was all drills so it was really easy and short, which is good because the pool that I swim at is closing early (7pm) for the next 2 weeks :(

Last night was the third marker set and in hindsight, I probably should not have gone. My left shin has been kinda bugging me since this weekend and not icing it after the 40 min run in Burlingame didn't do me any favors. We started our run on the (ghetto) track in Berkeley with a 10 min warm-up and right away my shin started to act up. Right as the timer started for the marker set, I told Coach Mike that my shin was bugging me and he said to take it easy, so I did. I started my laps at my easy jog pace and I figured at least this way I can estimate what my slowest time will be at the Triathlon. I was on track for a 9:30 min mile but by lap 6 (1.5 miles) I had developed the most debilitating cramp right under my ribs and I had to walk a lap. Coach (?) Mark told me that it's something about stuff attached to my diaphram getting moved out of place and that the best way to get rid of the cramp was sharp breaths and pushing the stuff back in to place... I don't know, it sounded kind of odd to me but after walking a lap, it had subsided enough to run the final lap. My time for my third marker set was 21.07, not exactly a world record or anything...

Want to hear something funny? I checked the website for the Honolulu Triathlon and they said the swimming portion on May 17 might be canceled due to a predictable swarming of box jellyfish. Seriously. Go to the website and check it out yourself:

What I don't get is if it is predictable (and it is, they have a calendar for when the jelly fish swarm each month) why didn't they schedule it for when they won't be swarming?!?

They might have the swim on the 17th, but if the jelly fish are present, they will move the swim to the day before (it will still be an official timed swim) and on the day of the race, they will have us do a run (5k) bike (40k) and run (10k). Joy....

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